Minor Quality of Life Improvement

Alright, I didn't really want to make this post or release a new version this early, because I'm still in the throes of adding additional story content, but I feel this update is important enough to make a separate release.

Some of you probably already know that the keyboard rebinding menu is a little clunky, and is the only portion of the game that uses the mouse. The purpose of this was to (hopefully) dodge some issues with key rebindings, mainly a situation where someone could rebind a key in such a way that causes them to be unable to operate the menu to change it back, generally causes a headache for a process that should be relatively straightforward. My solution was initially to use an input that could never be rebound to something else: the mouse. However, I see now how this temporary change in how the inputs are handled could be confusing or annoying to those who do not understand the initial reason for its implementation. Either way, I have decided to overhaul the keyboard rebinding menu to no longer rely on the mouse, instead opting for  system that does not update the bindings until after the menu is closed. The only reason I didn't do it this way from the outset is mostly because I thought it would be too confusing, ironically.

Anyway, the keyboard rebinding menu is "fixed" now, and should be much more intuitive to use.

This is the only major difference between the two latest versions, apart from some animated flowers I threw in to amuse myself. In short, if you already downloaded Version 0.1.2, you won't be missing much from the update, and there's no need to download the newest version, unless the rebinding menu bothered you as much as for others (or you want to see the flowers).


Heavy Will of Fate Ver 0.1.3.zip 16 MB
Jan 29, 2021

Get Heavy Will of Fate

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